One thing is for sure when it comes to Conclave hosted by Monaken Loge 103; they always put on a good show! Following a great Conclave, at the Section NE-4B Business Meeting, Braden Coffman was re-elected to serve NE-4B as…

One thing is for sure when it comes to Conclave hosted by Monaken Loge 103; they always put on a good show! Following a great Conclave, at the Section NE-4B Business Meeting, Braden Coffman was re-elected to serve NE-4B as…
Section NE-4B Belt Buckle Design Section NE-4B is now officially taking Pre-Orders for the Section Belt Buckles! The Cost is $25 per belt buckle. If you would like to place an order you can do so by clicking Here. The…
Section NE-4B now has an Online Trading post where you can get all of your NE-4B Apparel including and not limited to Conclave T-Shirts, Section Ball Cap, Section Neckerchief, Section Hoodie, Section Fleece Jacket and much more check it all…
Many of you may not know of or have even heard of SALLS before and if this is the case let it be heard first here! SALLS is the Section Advancement of Lodge Leaders Summit. This is a training held…
Dear Brothers, I hope that you are as excited for the upcoming April Service Weekend as I am! It will certainly be great to trek back up to Camp Conestoga for a weekend of service and fellowship with our Wagion…
Attention Wagion!!! The NOAC 2015 committee is seeking a youth member of Wagion that has artistic talent, preferably in painting. In preparation for NOAC 2015, our lodge must participate in the NOAC 2015 Legacy program. This program is a number of…
The Section is awarding a scholarship for one person to attend an OA High Adventure experience this year. They will cover the cost of the trek (up to $250) and half of the air fare (up to $500). The application…
On Saturday, September 8th leaders from across section NE-4b, encompassing the Council of Chiefs (CoC) officially voted on and approved Wagion’s theme for Conclave next year: “The Mario Brotherhood Weekend!” The theme is sure to be a fun and also…
At the Section NE-4B Conclave the Web-tech committee got a chance to talk to not one but two national officers. We got to talk to the Northeast Region Chief Eric Bush and the Southern Region Chief David Joyner. First I…