Plan on being on the 2014 Lodge Executive Committee? Then save the date January 11, 2014 because the Lodge Leadership Development Conference is MANDATORY for committee chairman. For look more details to be published soon.

Plan on being on the 2014 Lodge Executive Committee? Then save the date January 11, 2014 because the Lodge Leadership Development Conference is MANDATORY for committee chairman. For look more details to be published soon.
Date: Oct. 18,19 and 20 Last Day to Register: Oct. 14th Location: Camp Conestoga Cost: (pay at check-in, or pre-pay at the council service center) Standard weekend fee: $20 ($30 after Oct. 14) Ordeal weekend fee: $45 (includes membership dues) Silver…
Are you ready to get soaked to the bone? If so you better come to the August Fellowship Weekend because the activities committee will being hosting the Wagion Water Park!
Are you ready for the 2nd Annual Wagion World! If not you better get ready! For more details about the world fair click here—>Fair Flyer
JAMBOREE HELP WANTED Youth Jamboree staff is needed for Mountain Biking .If you can ride great- if not come and develop a wonderful life time skill. You must be a first class scout and sixteen years old. Interested, contact Chuck…
Wagion Lodge #6 invites the Cub Scouts of Section NE-4B to Cubclave 2013. The event will be held in conjuction with the Section NE-4B Concolave. If you are a Cub Scout you do not want to miss this event. For…
OFFICIAL NOTICE: The 2013 Lodge Executive Committee approved the changes and revisions to the 9th edition of the Manual of Administration at the Lodge Leadership Development on January 12, 2013. The lodge will have the opportunity to adopt and approve…
On New Year’s Day there will be a polar bear swim in the Yough River. This is not an offical lodge activity and is just for fun. For more information contact Tom Butler at
The Section is awarding a scholarship for one person to attend an OA High Adventure experience this year. They will cover the cost of the trek (up to $250) and half of the air fare (up to $500). The application…
Hello Fellow Brothers, As you all know, this upcoming weekend we will be electing our new lodge officers. So, if you are running for any office and want it to be know please let me know before the weekend. Also,…