Wagion Lodge #6

Other Opportunities

In addition to all of the opportunities available to Arrowmen locally, there are many more opportunities from events to trainings, etc., available on larger levels of the organization. Some of these opportunities are listed below. While this doesn’t include everything available to Arrowmen, it includes some of the most well-known and beneficial programs offered by the organization. If you’d like to find more programs to get involved in, you can always research more on the national website or by other means. If you believe that other programs or information updates should be included on this page, reach out to the Web-Tech Chairman or the Lodge Secretary.


Conclave: Conclave is a section-level event where all of the lodges in our respective section gather at the host’s camp to participate in fellowship and elect the new section officers. There are activities ranging from competitions to trainings, and so on. Conclave in our area is typically held during the spring or early summer months. If you’re interested in attending or have any questions regarding it, you can reach out to the Conclave Chairman.

National Order of the Arrow Conference: NOAC is a national-level event held every two years at a selected university where every lodge from across the nation and beyond will gather for fellowship, trainings, ceremonies, shows, and so on. NOAC is regarded as the second most popular national Scouting event just behind the National Jamboree held by the BSA. If you’d like more information about the event itself or attending, see the NOAC page on the national website or contact the NOAC chairman.

National Leadership Seminar: NLS is a national-level event held multiple times throughout the year at multiple locations throughout the country that is meant to equip current and future leaders of lodges with the knowledge they need to be able to lead in the Order of the Arrow. Held simultaneously to this is the Developing Youth Leadership Conference (DYLC) which is the equivalent for adult advisors in the Order of the Arrow. Wagion sends a contingent of current youth and adult leaders every year, so if you’re interested in attending you can reach out to the Leadership Development Chairman for consideration. For more information regarding NLS or DYLC you can again reach out to the Leadership Development Chairman or reference the National Leadership Seminar and Developing Youth Leadership Conference pages on the national website.

Order of the Arrow High Adventure: The OAHA program is a national-level program designed to provide eligible Arrowmen with the opportunity to both carry out the function of the Order of the Arrow in service while also being able to attend a High Adventure Base of their choosing at a reduced or completely eliminated cost. For more information regarding this program, see the OA High Adventure page on the national website.