Wagion Lodge #6

Path to Brotherhood

The Brotherhood Honor is the second honor level in the Order of the Arrow, with completion of it typically referred to as “Sealing Your Membership” in your lodge and the organization as a whole. As with the Ordeal, you must adhere to certain requirements in order to earn the honor and be recognized. These requirements are listed below in accordance with current standards by the Brotherhood Committee:

1. Candidates must be an Ordeal member in the lodge for at least six months, with dues having been paid prior to completion of the Brotherhood Honor.

2. Candidates must draft a letter to a member in the lodge which they will bring to the Brotherhood ceremony. This letter must address the following topics:

  • What the Obligation of the Order of the Arrow mean to you.
  • How you have used your understanding of the Obligation in your troop or post and in your daily life.
  • How you have used your understanding of the Ordeal to aid in this service.
  • Your plan for giving service after earning Brotherhood Honor.

3. Candidates must pay the sash fee determined by the Brotherhood Chairman prior to the ceremony unless special circumstances are recognized by the chairman or advisor in advance.

4. Candidates must participate in a discussion with the Brotherhood Chairman and/or his delegates that go over various parts of the Ordeal itself as well as other significant parts of the organization. Candidates can study using the Brotherhood Questionnaire listed in Section 6 of the Manual of Administration.

5. Candidates must participate in the Brotherhood Walk led by the Brotherhood Chairman and/or his delegates which proceeds around camp to several significant spots before ending at the calling-out ceremony.

6. Candidates, upon completion of all the other requirements, will participate in the Brotherhood Ceremony and receive their new honor.