Hello Wagion! The Special Division has released the 2024 Wagion Activity Award for those looking to go the extra lengths to demonstrate their level of service and dedication towards being an engaged member. Please fulfill these requirements and send the…

Lodge Officer Training 2020
Wagion’s Training Committee kicked off it’s Annual Wagion Lodge 6 Office Training Nov. 6th, 2020 at Camp Conestoga with a “Back to the Future” Theme where the Staff opened up with presentations recapping the 2020 Lodge year with the 2021…
*OA Lodge Fellowship Banquet*
Hello Wagion!! I hope you’re ready for the best banquet you’ve ever been to! We have some amazing programs planned for the event that are sure to keep you wanting more. Not only do we have fantastic activities planned but…
2020 Lodge Officers Elected!
Saturday evening the scouts of Wagion Lodge 6 conducted elections for their 2020 youth Officers in which Zachary Lacombe (Center) of Connellsville, PA was elected as the 80th Lodge Chief of Wagion. Zach is an Eagle Scout and Assistant…
2018 Lodge Banquet Registration
Date: Saturday, February 24th, 2018 Location: West Hempfield Middle School 156 Northumberland Dr, Irwin, PA 15642 Time: 11:00 am – 9:00 pm Cost: $20 (Free with Silver Arrowman membership) Registration deadline: February 16th, 2018. You may pay at the door,…

There’s Still Time to be a Part of the OA Building Roofing Project!
Thank you to everyone who has helped us with the OA Building roofing project thus far! We are planning another work session on Monday, September 4th (Labor Day) to lay the shingles on the second side of the roof. We will…

Join Us for Our OA Building Roofing Project!
Wagion members, we hope that you will consider joining us this Saturday and/or Sunday (August 19th and 20th) as we continue working on our OA Building roofing project! We will be convening at 8:00 am on both Saturday and Sunday.…
October Weekend Registration
Date: Friday, October 13th – October 15th Location: Camp Conestoga Time: 6:00 pm Pre-Registration Cost: $20.00 (Free with Silver Arrowman Membership) Pre-Registration Deadline: Monday, October 8th, 2017 Walk-in Cost: $30.00 Loading…
August Fellowship Weekend Registration
Date: Friday, August 11, 2017 – Sunday, August 13, 2017 Location: Camp Conestoga Time: 6:00 pm Pre-Registration Cost: $20.00 (Free with Silver Arrowman Membership) Pre-Registration Deadline: Monday, August 7, 2017 Walk-in Cost: $30.00 Loading…