Brothers of Wagion Lodge 6, I would like to extend a Thank You to the members of Wagion Lodge 6 who served as part of the Order of the Arrow Staff at the 2020 Old Trails District Klondike Derby. Your…

Wagion Service Staff Old Trails Klondike
Members of Wagion Lodge 6, The Old Trails District will be holding its 3rd Annual Klondike Derby next weekend Jan. 10-12 at the Bullskin Twp. Fairgrounds. If any Adult Leaders, Youth+, or out of District youth who would be interested…
Elections Round Up
To any and all Scouters and Leaders seeing this right now, IF YOUR TROOP HAS NOT COMPLETED THEIR ELECTIONS AND WISHES TO DO SO PLEASE CONTACT ME!!! Well what if you/your troop: Doesn’t require one? Tell me anyway! Has already…

New Promotional Video for The 2014 Lodge Banquet
Brothers, It is my pleasure to inform you that a new promotional video has been made! Don’t forget to pre-register for the banquet! Special thanks to Jake Smithula and Ian Zimmerman. In Brotherhood, Charles Echard Promotions District Chair Bushy Run…

Adult selection procedures in 2013
Happy new year, brothers! 2013 has begun, and your Lodge Executive Committee is already hard at work to put together an excellent year for you. There will be some changes this year regarding how we select adults into the Order…