Wagion Lodge #6

Ordeal Welcome

Welcome to the Lodge!

Welcome to Wagion Lodge #6, W.W.W.!  This website contains some information to help you become familiar with the lodge.  Check out this welcome letter from the Lodge Chief.


Seal Your Membership!

After 10 months as an Ordeal member, you are encouraged to seal your membership in Wagion Lodge by becoming a Brotherhood member! You can start to study for your interview here. Here is a letter from the Brotherhood Committee.



Join a Committee!

Joining a committee is the best thing you can do as a new member!  Joining a committee lets you do things you like to do at the weekends, such as serving as an Elganomat.  It also opens up new opportunities for you to experience new things.  Serving on a committee also allows you to get the whole lodge experience.  You can get a list of the all the committees at www.wagion.org.


Lodge Website

You can learn more about Wagion Lodge at www.wagion.org.  You can read about upcoming events, lodge news, and find out about all the committees in our lodge.  All new Ordeals should visit our Ordeal Information page for more information.  With your parents’ permission, join us online at the Wagion Lodge facebook group.



History and Tradition

Wagion Lodge has a rich history of serving the Scouts in Southwestern Pennsylvania.  Watch this exciting video about Wagion Lodge’s history and listen to interviews from some of our founding members.



Lodge Handbook

The Wagion Lodge Handbook contains a large amount of useful information that will help your lodge experience.  Check out the Wagion Lodge handbook.


National Programs

The Order of the Arrow is not something that is unique just to our camp.  There are hundreds of OA lodges all over the country.  You should be proud that you are a member of one of the very first lodges!

As an Arrowman, you are eligible to attend a variety of events across Pennsylvania and across the county for training, competitions, and to just have a great time.

In 2015, members of our lodge will celebrate the 100th Anniversary of the Order of the Arrow at the National Order of the Arrow Conference (NOAC).  At NOAC, thousands of Arrowmen from across the country gather at a major college university for a week-long celebration of our organization!  The 100th Anniversary is an event you won’t want to miss!

You can learn more about all of the national programs and events at www.oa-bsa.org.



Congratulations on becoming a member in the Order of the Arrow!  A lifetime of memories now awaits you.  The friends you make in the OA are friends that will last a lifetime.  It is your turn to decide if you want to live your life as an Arrowman.

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