Hey Wagion!! As I am writing this, NOAC 2015 is only 1 year, 11 months, 3 weeks, 5 days, 22 hours, and 6 minutes away. Yay!! At the August Fellowship Weekend, NOAC will be selling Rice Krispies Treats as a…

Hey Wagion!! As I am writing this, NOAC 2015 is only 1 year, 11 months, 3 weeks, 5 days, 22 hours, and 6 minutes away. Yay!! At the August Fellowship Weekend, NOAC will be selling Rice Krispies Treats as a…
Remember the T-Bird Times Article deadline for the August issue is July 15. Please send article drafts to Elliott Diamond via elz6foe@aim.com, for I will not have computer access until the 16th. Thank you. -Drew Colebank
Tents and food! The June weekend had plenty of both. It was said that if you missed the June weekend you missed all of the meat! Everybody woke up Saturday morning to a great breakfast. After breakfast the mission began.…
Hey I’m Wesley Gower co-chairman of the web-tech committe. I am looking forward to meeting new people this year and becoming a part of Wagion. To be honest I always thought the OA was stupid and didn’t want to be in…