Wagion Lodge #6

Banquet 2015 Reminders!

Attention all Brothers attending the Lodge Fellowship Banquet Saturday I wanted to remind all of you that Registration Opens at 11:00am. We ask that everyone parks out in front of the school and enters through the main entrance. (If the parking lot fills up you can park near the Café in the back) Another note is that if anyone has any empty 2 liter bottle they can bring them and give them to Wagion’s Conservation Committee along with bringing Non-Perishable Food Goods to give to Scouting for Food. The final reminder is bring your swimming suit for open swim from 1-3pm, Triathlon at 2:30 and last but certainty not least Wagion Lodge 6’s First Ever Banquet Kayak Race!!! (Starting at 12:00pm in the pool) Click here for a online copy of the Schedule (Banquet 2015 Schedule)

Yours in Service,
Aaron C
2015 Lodge Program Vice Chief