Wagion Lodge #6

Off to a great start!


Congratulations on one of the best banquets I have ever seen.    You all worked together and and had an excellent program all day long.

Morning registration ran smoothly, as did membership.   The number of new silver arrowmen memberships this year tells me that we are doing a great job.   Already, we have so many people telling us that they plan to come to every single event this year.    And that alone speaks volumes for this lodge.

The LEC meeting and training events were executed flawlessly.    The Unit Elections / OA Rep Committee put together an outstanding unit election training session.    There was a very informative meeting about the upcoming section conclave to be held at Camp Conestoga.   The drum team was working hard.   And those are just a few of the many sessions going on that day.

The Finance Committee had an amazing day.   So far this year, the Finance Committee has already raised over $2,000 towards the preservation of the Wagion Training Center at Camp Conestoga.    I am really looking forward to seeing what else they come up with this year.    And, of course, the Conclave 2013 committee had their own patches and cookies to sell.    No doubt, we’ll be seeing many new and interesting things coming from them in April and June.

And who could miss all of the amazing activities going on?   From the gym, to the arcade, or even the gigantic wooden t-bird in the middle of the cafeteria.    Those guys were on the ball with plenty for everybody to do.

It’s already time to start thinking about NOAC 2015.   And, Wagion kicked that off with another banner patch auction, raising over $1,000 for the youth contingency.

The day wound down with a superior dinner, followed by our lodge business meeting.   A very sincere congratulations to Elliot Diamond and Tom Irwin for being the 2013 Thunderbird Award recipients.

The lodge banquet is just a glimmer of the awesome year that we have before us.   I have full confidence in our officers and Executive Committee to put on a year that will make us all proud to be members of this grand lodge.    I look forward to the April weekend.

Until then, Carry on Wagion.
